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CMSC announces four winners of Pilot Research Awards for 2019
The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) named four scientists the winners of its Pilot Research Award for 2019, given to [...]
NeurologyLiveâ„¢ adds CMSC to its Strategic Alliance Partnership program
CRANBURY, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NeurologyLiveâ„¢, a multimedia platform dedicated to providing health care professionals treating [...]
CMSC opens weeklong mental health program to help mentor and train multiple sclerosis specialists
The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC), working with the Foundation of the CMSC (FCMSC) and EMD Serono, launched a [...]
Horseback Riding Helps People with Movement Disabilities, Review of 16 Studies Concludes
Riding and other activities with horses can help adults and children with the balance, gait, and psychomotor disorders that are hallmarks [...]