Category Archives: "INforMS"

Today is World Multiple Sclerosis Day
According to, World MS Day is officially marked every year on the last Wednesday of May. If you want to take part, [...]
Multiple sclerosis vs. stroke, differences in symptoms, causes, and treatments
Multiple sclerosis and stroke may seem like they don’t have much in common, but they both affect the brain and the nervous system and so [...]
Multiple sclerosis and young adult-onset hodgkin lymphoma may share underlying causes, study says
Previous studies suggested that multiple sclerosis (MS) andHodgkin lymphoma might share underlying causes, including exposure to [...]
Multiple sclerosis risk higher in rosacea-affected women: Sstudy
Multiple sclerosis risk has been found to be higher in rosacea-affected women. The study was conducted by researchers from the University [...]
Study of viral infection revives possibility of link between multiple sclerosis and viruses
Researchers investigating immune B-cell response to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) found that it may correlate with [...]
Children with and without multiple sclerosis have differences in gut bacteria
In a recent study, children with multiple sclerosis had differences in the abundance of specific gut bacteria than children without the [...]
Promising discovery for multiple sclerosis
CANADA – The study results published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, found the involvement of a molecule in the development [...]
Search for progressive multiple sclerosis treatment is gathering momentum
Imagine suffering from blurred vision, regular headaches, numbness and tingling in your arms and legs, constantly feeling tired and [...]
Diet plays a role in multiple sclerosis progression through its impact on astrocytes, researchers say
Dietary habits and the composition of the gut flora can influence neuroinflammation and affect the outcome of neurodegenerative diseases [...]
Linking diet and intestinal flora with multiple sclerosis
US – New research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston (USA) suggests that bacteria living in the gut are linked in the activity [...]

CMSC provides leadership in clinical research and education; develops vehicles to share information and knowledge among members; disseminates information to the health care community and to persons affected by MS.

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