Category Archives: "INforMS"

Specific definition of fatigue in multiple sclerosis proposed as way to advance research into symptom
Researchers from Colorado State University propose a new model of fatigue in multiple sclerosis (MS), designed to overcome the lack of a [...]
Researchers develop technology for treating multiple sclerosis with gaming cameras
Using a gaming camera that detects movement and computer algorithms that quantify people’s walking patterns can help clinicians [...]
Alleviating multiple sclerosis symptoms possible with yoga and aquatic exercises
Multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and paresthesia can be alleviated using yoga and aquatic exercises, according [...]
Early treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms extends diagnosis time
Beginning multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment at the early stage of symptoms may delay the time period in which the disease becomes [...]
Multiple sclerosis: identifying and treating early symptoms can prevent multiple sclerosis diagnosis
Early treatment of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) may reduce the risk of a definitive diagnosis of the condition, or of relapse [...]
5 things a neurologist wants you to know about multiple sclerosis
Whether you’re newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) or have had it for decades, you probably have some questions about the [...]
Treating multiple sclerosis early can bring benefits, delay relapses
Getting an early head start on treating multiple sclerosis (MS) may bring dividends years down the road, find a new study published [...]
Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS)
Primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) is an uncommon form of MS that affects approximately 10-15% of MS patients. In PPMS, [...]
MRI not a predictor of long-term multiple sclerosis outcomes
For patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and clinical assessments do not appear to offer long-term [...]
Antioxidant therapies seen as promising approach in treating multiple sclerosis and like diseases
A review article published in the British Journal of Pharmacology assesses antioxidant approaches for treating neurodegenerative [...]

CMSC provides leadership in clinical research and education; develops vehicles to share information and knowledge among members; disseminates information to the health care community and to persons affected by MS.

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