Multiple sclerosis is a common disease of unknown etiology, variable course, and undefinable prognosis for the individual (1). The [...]
Dr. John F. Kurtzke is a well-known and beloved figure in the CMSC and, of course, the man behind the scale which bears his name. His [...]
En Uruguay, la prevalencia de la Esclerosis Múltiple en el Uruguay, es la más alta de América del Sur, América Central y México [...]
There are few studies reporting multiple sclerosis prevalence rates in the Buenos Aires region, Argentina (latitude 34ºS) (between [...]
The incidence of documented cognitive abnormalities (per neuropsychological assessment) is 40%-65% in people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). [...]
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. The etiology of multiple sclerosis is [...]
Multiple sclerosis is a lifelong neurological disease with far-reaching and variable implications for patients, their families, and their [...]