Author Archives: "Elizabeth Porco"

Elizabeth Porco

Is ‘no evidence of disease activity’ a misnomer in multiple sclerosis?
BOSTON -- Multiple sclerosis patients who are not having relapses, not becoming more disabled according to a standard measure, and with MRI [...]
How biotech is mastering multiple sclerosis: a review
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system, and around 2 million people around the world live with [...]
Health reform: how is pharma affected?
Reforming the health care industry is an increasingly complex challenge due to multiple layers of legislation already in place and the [...]
Brain protein may unlock key to multiple sclerosis treatment – study
Scientists have made significant progress in finding the cause of multiple sclerosis (MS), discovering the presence of a protein in brain [...]
Research moves closer to unraveling mystery cause of multiple sclerosis
A new study has made a major new discovery towards finding the cause of multiple sclerosis (MS), potentially paving the way for research to [...]
Glove with sensors measures spasticity more accurately than physicians
A multidisciplinary team at the University of California at San Diego has come up with a computerized glove used as a sensor to measure [...]
Symptoms of multiple sclerosis start to show five years before its onset
People with multiple sclerosis start showing its symptoms five years before the onset of the disease, claim Canadian [...]
Researchers analyze multiple sclerosis life expectancy, survival and mortality in 60-year study
A 60-year longitudinal multiple sclerosis (MS) study in a Norwegian cohort analyzing life expectancy, survival and mortality concluded that [...]
In memoriam – Dr. William Sheremata
  William A. Sheremata, M.D., emeritus professor of neurology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, passed away [...]
Alexa, tell me about multiple sclerosis
Alexa, Amazon’s little voice-activated information box, has just received a multiple sclerosis infusion. As part of MS Awareness [...]

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